Enjoying life through adventures, and capturing the passion through a lens.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Your Journey???

The Turn your face towards the sun, let the shadows fall behind you - Rihanna 

Yes I quoted a pop/hip-hop artist but the lyrics are fitting to life.  

No one is perfect, we are all on a path to find our meaning in this life and sometimes we have chosen the path less travelled and we find out why.  It's scary and leave you with scars you will carry with you. Some will fade and some will be carried with you till your grave. But the beauty about this path is the journey. You learn so much and grow into this warrior all because your journey is your own and no one will be able to ever take that away. 
I could say this year has been an adventure but honestly since the day I was born it has been one.  So much pain, beauty, and joy and I wouldn't change any of it. Why? Because it's mine and it's made me who I am. I am so thankful for my journey and I am so grateful to be who I am. You may not think I have much going for me etc but I'm still at the early start of my journey and I have done and seen things people wish they could have done and I have such a fervent desire to be more and see more and to inspire more.  I have so much to learn and I'm so excited to see what is in store for me. I encourage you to never give up on your dreams or your journey. It may be scary, dark, or in the desert but this to shall pass and you will fly into the wonderful plan that was mean specifically for you. 

These photos were from today. I met these guys talking about jumping off these cliffs and asking one another if it was too deep or if one spot was easier to jump from. Next thing I know, I'm joining in this journey by documenting the plunge.  Afterward, they asked if I would follow to the next spot.  I'm glad I met them.  1) made some new friends and a new story 2) it reminded me that sometimes even if things look scary and we ask a million questions, the best thing we can do is just jump in and hope for the best. 

I hope this finds you well. 


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Wow! Awesome pictures, and it is true about one's life journey. It is an individual one. No one else walks in your steps. Ultimately, you are only responsible to God for each choice and decision made. We listen, and hopefully we allow Him to guide. We do have free will <3

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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