Enjoying life through adventures, and capturing the passion through a lens.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A new comeback??

Been too long since I have been on this blog. I'm proud to say I have a camera finally!!

I can't tell you how excited I was when I got my camera or when I held it in my hand for the very first time. Yes I know i am describing this like it my newborn baby, but I guess with the experiences I'm going to have with it it is.  I was sitting here, plugged in some music (fully blaring) and started editing and I couldn't describe how freeing it was to just be creative through pictures again. This isn't like my usual stuff but this was more entertaining for me this time.

I guess there has been far too much going on these past couple of months, but I am proud to be able to unleash my fury through my art. Whether it's good or not it's who I am.  :)

Hope this finds you well,


Anonymous said...

You are back. I love ter pictures!

Anonymous said...

You are back. I love ter pictures!

Michelle said...

Oh wow, I absolutely love the close-up image of the waves rushing to shore with the sun's reflection. It's stunning. My other favorite is asymmetrical sunset (or rise).
Another cool shot to attempt would to have the young boy from the other photos appear to be holding the sun.
Then, you could create a triptych of the boy, the boy and the sun, and the sun.
Love the boldness of the colors though, especially the oranges and reds in combination with the ocean blue. Different from last time, but still great!!