Enjoying life through adventures, and capturing the passion through a lens.

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Music that Moves US????

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.  ~Berthold Auerbach

I very much relate to this quote. I feel that music can affect our entire life and how we relate to people. I know, when I'm in a mood, if I put my headphones on, I will begin to hydrate. I run faster when I am listening to music. I become more inspired when I'm painting while listening to music. In fact, I'm listening to music as I type.  I believe we hydrate and refuel from music. Even when we don't speak the same language, we connect with music as people.

This weekend I had the opportunity to take pictures for a close friend/dj.  We used to work together at Starbucks. Everyday we would make drinks, free-style and dance to the music. It was funny how pumped we would get. We let the flow of music dictate how we moved our day.  I love Dj Inspire's passion for music. You can see her artistic ability  seeping out of her. 

I think when we find what we are most passionate about and flow with that as our direction, we become powerful.  We learn we have a purpose in life. We thrive to make our passion into a reality and in this, we want to show the world what we can do. Deep down, whether we want to believe it or not, we all want to be accepted and show the world that we are marvelous. Most of the time, we feel like we need to have a lot of stuff up our sleeves. When you  accept who you are, how you were created and the fact  you were put on this earth, you will realize you were marvelous all along.  When you open your mind and stop putting yourself in that box saying "THIS is what makes me marvelous" instead of just saying "I AM marvelous", you won't have as many opportunities to push yourself farther. You are allowing that thing to define who you are, when we are many things.  We were created to blow EVERYONES mind....because YOU were made marvelous the minute you were created.

I hope this finds you well,

so without further ado here is the marvelous Dj Inspire

Thursday, January 16, 2014


“Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.” - Alfred Tennyson

Last Friday, I had the privilege of taking pictures for two bands that I'm proud to say are my friends. They are a very talented bunch and every concert they play is different.   I walked in to the Epicentre and I was told my whole demeanor changed from shy girl taking pics to a veteran of shows.  It was so funny being apart of this experience because I watched the set up all the way to the tear down and all it did was bring back memories of when I was in high school and I did this every Saturday night with my church. Just a bunch of teenage kids bringing in bands to play for the community. I really miss the music scene, I miss the feeling on watching a show being put on, helping the bands set up and tear down. You make so many fun memories and friends.

There wasn't anything to profound this time, just that everyday will be a memory that will follow you around, some nice some not, but they don't make you who you are..they are just memories..... :)

So these pics are of Lake Susan and of As of Late...both incredible bands, I suggest you take a listen to both.

I hope this finds you well,
