Enjoying life through adventures, and capturing the passion through a lens.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Adventure and Beyond?
Hey Guys,
I thought this would be more interesting or humorous than anything I have. We just arrived to my sister's house last night and still trying to stay awake, almost feels like we have jet lag. Hmmmm Hope you all are blessed by a phenomenal week. :)
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hey Everyone,
I hope your week has been wonderful and adventureful. This week has been very eventful, dramatic, full of learning, full of warmth (Summer hurry up!), and yet also very humbling. This is quite amusing cause after my last post of conquering the world speech, don't get me wring I still believe it will happen, but I was involved in so many things that I actually was cause stress on my life thinking I could take over EVERYTHING right now. I was involved in about 5 things during the week on top of trying to be a Mom. Well, the funniest thing happened, I decided to add an ulcer onto my schedule which was the cause of so much on my plate. I had to cut down to 2 things which I am going to be taking a break from now for about a month. Anyways, I'm not looking for a "you poor thing" it was actually what was a necessary thing at the mo. It was a lesson in itself, cause I was relying on myself thinking I was capable to take on the weight of the world and still make a difference. I learned that a core group is key for support and growth, not just for sanity's sake but for strength. There is a quote in my head right now and it's quite amusing but if you think about it it makes sense in some skewed way, "never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Just writing it makes me giggle because stupid or not you have a bigger when you have a group, a team, and your support. I was taught this week that I am NOT capable without my husband's support and most of all without my God. Some of you may disagree about my belief about God but it's my belief and I will stand by it. I have screwed up so many times and yet He has been there. Anyways, I think I have gone way off track and this whole thing may not make complete sense, just remember to think in devinese HAHA!
So to the pictures......I was so intrigued by the leaf because if you looked at it on the ground it looked complete, but when you placed it in the sun every flaw was shown and it was still beautifully detailed.
The next one was fun because I actually did not do anything to this picture on the computer. I messed with the shutter speed and I got a cockamamie picture. I love that word :).
The third was just fun, I love the detail of wood. I love the curves, grain, and complexity it brings.
Last but not least, Ewan. It was a fun picture cause he is always so full of life and it's a rarity to see him annoyed.
I love my boys!
Thanks for listening to my rants and I hope this leaves you well.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
As I'm sitting here, trying to start this blog up, I'm really wondering why I'm even trying to write a blog. Let's be honest, I'm a terrible writer, I will most likely forget about this, and as you can already tell my punctuation is atrocious. In, the end of all the cons, I am compelled to start this. Maybe it's proving to myself that maybe I can actually finish something I start. Or maybe it's just proving to myself that I am starting a new chapter in my life and it will lead to great things. Not hopefully, but it will. We hope but do we ever really agree that we were made for more than the mundane or hoping that our lives will start soon with something that involves adventure or meaning. We were already created for the impossible, I accept that I was/am made for this challenge. I think I just went on a tangent, but maybe it was necessary, not just for me but for whoever was intended to read this.
So now here it goes.....I plan on doing the "365 project", but in a more interesting way. I plan on doing this but instead of putting up a new things up everyday, I will put something up once a week. So you could say "PROJECT 52". I will also put up probably more than one picture, but it will be something that will move me and I hope inspire you.
This week's picture was a picture that was taken about 2 weeks ago when it decided to pour down in January. Hmmm. Well I love this picture because of the color and the way water ripples. It's also a new beginning picture for me. It was taken in January and all the snow had just been washed away, creating a new terrain. Hope you enjoy, and I hope I was too all over the place in this post.
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